Katie & Joe

I had a great engagement session with Katie and Joe this past Sunday. I just love doing any kind of photography in the Oakland area because it gives such a cool urban feel to the photos. Katie and Joe braved the bitter cold weather to have some fun with me and as you can see it turned out perfectly! I also got the chance to try out my new Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 lens. I absolutely love it. The depth of field is amazing. It just makes the subject pop right off the photo.


Katie was so great at being flirty...


They are such a cute couple. They just make you want to say "aaawwwwww..."


Sharing a little private kiss...


I loved the blur in this shot and added some extra grain to give it cool gritty look.


I just love it when I get to work with a couple that is up for anything. I had an idea to put Katie and Joe in the center of the intersection at S. Craig St. and Forbes Ave. during the crosswalk change to try and get some cool blur, lights and a little peek of some buildings in the background. It took about 6 tries of having them both dart out into the center of the intersection before I got the shot and it turned out to be worth it all.


And I was able to pull out some gorgeous color in the sky in this one.
