Craig Photography 4.0 Goes Live

John & I would like to announce the official release of our updated website, which we lovingly refer to as "Craig Photography 4.0". This site looks a lot like the old one but we've added some new photos, added my blog to the links and refined our Investment page. It loads faster and has a more polished feel to it. We're thrilled to see it go live and we hope you all will enjoy it! We'd like to thank Dan O’Donnell (owner, artist and super swell guy) and Kay Kozuch (brilliant, creative genius and all powerful tech geek) at Direct-Axis for breathing life into our designs. When looking for a web designer, we were so overwhelmed with all of the designers in our area we could choose. The biggest difference between Direct-Axis and the others is that we actually liked their site. It was well designed, easy to navigate and above all, the simplicity of the design was a relief. If you've been to our site you understand our attraction to simplicity. So, that's how we decided to try this web designer out. After meeting Dan and Kay, we new they were a perfect fit. They were so easy to talk to, digging right in and getting their hands dirty to help us figure out what we needed to make our site a better one. They were SUPER FAST in getting our stuff done, SUPER FAST in response time to every phone call and email and just plain SUPER in treating us like we mattered. We knew we were small fish compared to their list of cleintele, but they never made us feel that way. So hats off to you Dan and Kay! Thanks for all the hard work!.

So take some time, look through our site and don't be afraid to let us know what you think. Enjoy!

Cheers--Elizabeth & John :)