The Engagement of Kristen & Mike

I gotta tell ya...Kristen & Mike were so great to work with. They were so playful together and had such great chemistry that we actually got their shoot done in about 30 minutes! I actually felt like we cheated them on time but they were so sweet to each other it made our job so easy...anything more and we just would've simply overdone the shoot. As you'll see in the photos below they had a great time too. :) I normally don't post so many photos of engagement sessions but again, we all just had such a great time I figured why not! cp  300

See what I mean?? ;-)

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This caboose at Station Square is so awesome because it isn't just's such a bright red and it such a fantastic backdrop with the black fence.

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I loved this tunnel. You can do so many things with it and the lighting was such that we were able to do a darker shot. Made for a nice photo.

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And right on the other side of the tunnel was this awesome wall covered in ivy. Loved it.

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Sooo playful. This is what they were like the entire shoot! They were giggling with each other, whispering in each other's ears, making each other was so adorable.

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I tried to get a shot in between traffic at the Smithfield bridge but I couldn't quite get what I wanted. However, since they were dodging traffic for me I felt a little obligated to post a picture. :)

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