Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer

Being a wedding photographer is so much fun there should be a new word for "fun".  But being a Pittsburgh wedding photographer is the best.  We meet some of the most interesting and good-natured souls.  We have such a great time with our couples and their friends and families. With that in mind, I had to take a break from editing this past wedding to show you some hilarious photos that have to do with wind, twirling....and dresses. :)

LOOK at this photo!!  This has to be one of THE funniest and cutest photos ever.  Look at the bride's veil and the bridesmaid getting a little too much wind action.  And knowing this bride, she's going to love this photo.


And at the reception one unfortunate bridesmaid found out what happens to this style of dress when you're twirled a little too much...look at the look on the bride's brother's face...OOPS! :)  He was such a blast.  I caught this moment right after the twirl...


And here's the bride chastising the bridesmaid for stealing her thunder. Just kidding. ;-)


SO much more to come on this wedding. :)