The Pittsburgh Engagement of Angela & Ian

Meet Angela and Ian!  Very sweet (and a tad shy at first!) couple. :) Although we are also photographing their upcoming wedding in May of '10, this was actually the first time I had the chance to meet both of them and it was great to finally be able to put faces with names.  I photographed their shoot at Hartwood Acres (such a sweet and romantic location) and it was a nice break from the urban series I've sort of been partial to these days. Hartwood was in full bloom! The colors were just stunning and the country setting was so relaxing and casual.  Here are a few of my fav's from the day...

Loved the softness of these 2 shots.  The green with the burst of Angela's purple dress really makes it.

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Look at that shiner!! Huh?? Niiiiiiccee..... ;-)

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Just love peek-a-boo shots.

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Hartwood has the prettiest garden to walk thru there.  Love those bursts of color.

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...gotta throw in a shot for Mom. :)

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Again...nice. Good job Ian!

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So if you know anything about me you know I love to throw in anything I can with color.  This s a sculpture that sits off to the side on the way to the mansion.  I just loved it....the colors, the rust...loved it. So I had Angela & Ian stop on our way out so I could snap a few before we said our goodbyes.

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My fav of the day...

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Thanks Angela & Ian! I had a great time and I'm looking forward to the wedding. ;-)