Pittsburgh Photography Workshop Reminder

Just another shout out to all you fabulous photogs and wannebe's about our spectacular workshop coming up!  Seating is limited and we're gettin' kinda full so email me at craigphotography@mac.com if you're interested.  We'll be covering an array of information and topics. Plenty of time for Q&A.  Go HERE for more information. As a little added incentive we also just so happen to be selling 3...count 'em...THREE Nikon D70 cameras (one is a D70S). Each will come with a battery, lens and a 1 GB film card.  Ok--here's the incentive: If you buy a camera you get one FREE ticket to our workshop.  Nice, eh??  Each camera with its inclusions and the ticket is $400.  All cameras are in terrific condition.

Any takers??