90-Days of Getting Back to "ME"

Hi All!  Well it's Tuesday (and should be Friday).  I am about to venture on a new quest I thought I'd share with you all in a Tuesday/weekly series called "My 90 Days".  In a nutshell, the 90 Days is a routine/program that I will be following to get my mind, body, and spirit back to where it aught to be.  It's been quite busy around here and we women tend to allow everything to come before our own sanity. :) I kinda like it that way sometimes but eventually it brings me back full circle. This 90 Days will be all about eating what I know my body wants and needs, giving it the challenge of exercise daily and just basically giving myself permission to be good to ME. ;-)  I will be doing 30 minutes of whatever exercise I choose in a day (FitTV workout, running on the treadmill or walking in the neighborhood) and eating a small meal/whole foods diet. But let me be clear: I am not dieting. Here at the Craig household we try to stay within the whole foods category of eating so our diet is pretty good. But now I'm going all out to be a tofu eating-yoga doing-nutsandberries style kinda gal.

Lest you think me a determined kinda gal first--sigh--I usually fail these types of things.  Truthfully, I'm a workaholic and HATE anything that gets in my way of getting my work done. So exercise for me is a just a pain in my gazoo. Yes, I said it...gazoo.  You start using funny words in place of swear words when you have kids.  I'm scared I'll give up or just not get the results I want. I've put on a few pounds lately and although I'd LOVE to blame it on childbirth, she's 3 and half.  Bummer.  So I can say that my weight gain is all laziness.  Is it anything else??

So here is to my HEALTH, SANITY, AND HAPPINESS!  I will be blogging my results each Tuesday. Just a small report to tell you how I did for the week, how I feel and my general outlook. Feel free to join me!  If you're interested in knowing exactly what I'm doing contact me.  We can do it together! :)

I will be going on this journey with my husband, John. He has already done this once and is a walking billboard for the cleanse of it all (seriously...I had to ask him to just shut it after while).  You can read his tale of it every Tuesday as well!  Go here to check out his weekly report.

So here's to my health!