The Pittsburgh Engagement of Heather & Dan

It was such a pleasure hanging around the South Side with Heather & Dan for their engagement shoot.  This was the first time we got the chance to shoot in the South Side and the possibilities were endless.  We didn't even come close to all that I wanted to do or all that the area has to offer but I will say we definitely put a dent in it! :) We stayed down on the touristy side of town so there were a lot of colors and pretty stuff.  I look forward to getting to do the next one on the more gritty side of town.  Heather & Dan were a terrific couple. Very easy-going and it was a joy just walking around looking for areas that fit their style.  They even did a clothing change in their car.  That's my kinda couple! ;-)

Thanks Heather & Dan! Looking forward to the wedding...


Sweet moment...


Heather & Dan were diggin' that they had very similar shoes on so I had to capture that. Yes, I did stick my caboose in their faces to take this shot.  What we photographers (and subjects!) do to get the shot...


If you know anything about my style then you know I couldn't pass up the opportunity to throw in a shot of color.  We were all actually on our way to our cars when I saw this wall.  I could tell Heather & Dan were pooped but they happily obliged.  So glad they did!
