90 Days of Getting Back to ME--Update

Was another really good week for me.  I didn't get to work out as much as I would've liked but when I could, I did.  I'm really hoping to become one of those people that I used to think were crazy...."you exercise EVERY day??" :)  Some people just have it in their blood and feel the need to exercise regularly.  I don't think that includes most of us (and whoever said "if you do something for 30 days it becomes a habit" needs smacked around a little bit...or at least called a really bad fibber).  I know I feel so great when I'm done exercising. Not sure if that's cuz I got a good workout in or because the damn workout is over.  *sigh* I did get to cook a huge, healthy and fantastically delicious (if I do say so myself) dinner for my family on Sunday and I realized how much I really miss cooking. With the wedding season still in full swing, and not being able to see the light of day till after Thanksgiving, cooking has been sent straight down to the very bottom of my priority list.  If John doesn't cook it or if it doesn't take less than 10 minutes to throw together then it's just not happening.  But it's my birthday today so we celebrated on Sunday and I can't tell you how great it felt to just cook; a hearty, yummy, scrumdilyicous dinner.  Mmmmm.  A whole roasted chicken, roasted winter veggies (my absolute favorites), a quinoa stuffing (see recipe below--truly scrumptious) and a side of pesto penne (see below for sauce recipe).  It. was. marvelous.  Just to sit down and break bread, all together, talk and share a meal. Fantastic.

So I'm officially 36. "On the downside of 40" so I hear. ;-) Ya know what? I LOVE IT. The older I get, the less I care.  The older I get the wiser I get.  The older I get the more I realize how blessed I am. The older I get, the more I appreciate the little things. The older I get, crazy as it seems, the happier I am and I have a story for every wrinkle. Don't get me wrong, I dye the hell out of my grays, still skip a meal to fit into my "good" jeans, and regularly look at my ass in the mirror and think "seriously??" Why aren't dimples on your caboose as cute as they are on your face?? So damn unfair.  But my ride through life has been a good one and looking back it has only gotten better over time. Much better.  I can't imagine being anywhere else in my life but right now, in this snapshot of a moment in time.  I do wish it could all slow down a little...not for the aging part of it but for the memories.  I have no idea what I ever did before John. Every past boyfriend seems a misty shadow that is reminiscent of a story I once read rather than experienced.  I waited for him, even before I knew he existed...I waited for him. And it was so worth the wait.  He is truly the storybook version of what every woman was brought up to believe she could have. So for all you women out there teaching your daughters that some of those Disney movies are straight from some sadistic, egomaniacal, woman-hating man's sick mind...you're wrong.  He does exist. Just gotta be patient. ;-) Although for the record, I do tell Ella when she watches these movies that it is the Princess, in fact , that is saving the Prince. ;-) I mean, let's get it straight here.

And my love, Ella.  Boundless energy, sloppy kisses, smart-ass remarks and a stubborness that could only come from me.  She is my true love and, as John would say, my connection to the Divine.  Where would I be in this life without this mini-version of me??  Oh the lessons she teaches me everyday.

I have no idea what I did to deserve these precious loves in my life. Maybe I just believed it could be.  I guess that's half the battle. Just believing.

OK--enough of the gooey talk.  Here are some recipes I thought you'd like!

Quinoa Stuffing: 1 cup cooked quinoa (you can boil it or steam it: 1 cup quinoa to 1 1/2 cup water--steam for 25 minutes or boil for 15 minutes) for the stuffing, make sure to cook in veggie broth 1 cup leeks, sliced thin 1/2 cup chopped celery 1/2 tbsp evoo or Earth's Balance buttery spread 3/4 cup dried cranberries (I use the ones with orange in them too) 1/4 cup chopped walnuts

Saute leeks and celery for about 10 minutes in the oil. Add cooked quinoa (if you need more liquid add some more broth for a low fat option instead of more oil), cranberries and walnuts. Heat through and serve.

Lowfat Pesto sauce: 2-3 cups fresh basil 2 tbsp pine nuts 2 garlic cloves 2 tbsp water 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice 1 oz. grated parm cheese (or use pecorino romano for more bold taste) 1 tbsp white wine vinegar t tbsp evoo

Put it all in a food processor and let it rip.

Next update on Tuesday!
