90 Days of Getting Back to Me--Update

Well, another stellar week (sneer). I am pleased to say that I am feeling much better but am totally paranoid of catching something else. I'm at about 90% so I am going to try working out this week and hope to get back into a rhythm again. More than anything else, it has been a good thing for me to try and focus on myself for a while. It's been difficult though. Our wedding season is still in full swing (and I believe it's swinging at my face, gut and possibly trying to take out a kidney) so balancing my workload has been tricky.  But I did the most fabulous thing for myself, which I HIGHLY recommend to every mom in the entire world.  I treated myself to a hotel room for a day/night so that I could get 2 things for myself: uninterrupted time to work and REST REST REST.  OK--so I did a lot more work than rest but I cannot tell you how great that was for me. I went on Priceline, bid for a 3 star hotel room at $5o and was immediately accepted by the Crowne Plaza by the airport.  It. Was. Fabulous. I busted out more work in that 24 hours than I usually do in 2 weeks.  All I needed after that was another night in the same room with no work.  All you Mamas listen up: skip the new pair of boots or the manicure and GET YOURSELF A ROOM THROUGH PRICELINE.  You need it and most importantly you deserve it.  Or get the manicure on the way to buying your new boots and then wear those hot boots with your stylin' nails to the hotel and rent yourself a movie, get some yummy room service, turn the damn phone off and just....be. ;-) Feel that? That's life being breathed back into you. AAAhhhh.

Also--bringing reading back into my life has been terrific. I gave up on it a while ago because I tend to have tunnel vision (whoever said women were great multi-taskers obviously has never been around me...allowing me to drive a car while trying to find a radio station that plays something other than Britney Spears and getting the temperature to the absolute perfect setting all the while talking on the cell phone has probably rid this lovely world of more garbage cans, mailboxes and I believe countless numbers of cute furry animals than I care to discuss).  Once I get into the story of a book that's all I want to do. No work, no laundry, no....anything. All I can think about is when I can get into my pj's and read a few more pages. But I've gotten better at allowing myself that pleasure. It's been good for me.  I love getting lost in someone else's world for a while. Not that I don't love mine...but getting eyeball deep in a complicated story is right up my alley.  My favorite author is Ken Follett and I am now re-reading all of his books because I have finally allowed enough time to pass so that I can't remember any of the stories.  So it's like reading them all for the 1st time again. Love it.

So, that's it for now.  Next update Tuesday! Have a great week. :)