Yesterday's Workshop Notes & New Dates (guest post by John)

Thank you to all who attended yesterday's workshop. The questions asked were remarkable. If you would like to download last night's notes you can (HERE)

Upcoming Photo-Walk dates:

Photograph Pittsburgh at Night– Photo Walk Monday November 9th 7pm Meet up: West End Overlook Cost: Free What to bring: Camera, tripod and warm clothes ~ it will be cold on the overlook.

Pittsburgh Light Up Night – Photo Walk Friday November 20th 7pm Meet up: West End Overlook Cost: Free What to bring: Camera, tripod and warm clothes ~ it will be very cold and crowed on the overlook.

Q&A Session & Connect-n-Grow Thursday December 10th 7 to 9pm Meet up: My house Cost: Free What to bring: Your questions, camera, good attitude and a friend. Let’s build the community.

E-Book released January 2010 The Photographer’s Blog Cost: $10.00 download

Recommend blog reading, Craig Photography by Elizabeth David Burke Shoot N' Learn