Tweet This

So my husband keeps pushing and bullying me in to tweeting on Twitter. As it stands at this point, I just can't seem to get into it. I hear it's mostly about posting links all day for others to check out. But unless you have a serious addiction to Anthropologie or Perez Hilton like I do I'm not sure what else I can impart upon you. My days are mostly me, hunkered over my computer answering 500 emails a day, placing countless album orders, editing beautiful weddings, researching new products, dealing with telemarketers and hosts of other companies and individuals vying for our money promising Google Stardom (I am so on to you all), putting out fires, starting fires, lighting a fire under my ass, and generally giving new meaning to the word "multi-tasking" (which, by the way, I SERIOUSLY suck at--whoever said women are good multi-taskers obviously has not met me). So lay it on me people. Tell me why I should tweet on Twitter.  Impart your wisdom upon me. Enlighten and motivate me. Or prove my husband wrong for me. I'm OK with that too. ;-)