Meet Kelsey & PJ--Part 6

Good Tuesday to you all! 'Tis time to continue on with our photo story about Kelsey and PJ. As we have finished with the pre-wedding shoot, we're just now getting into their wedding day. Didn't I tell you there was so much to see?? Our day begins with Kelsey getting ready.  Kelsey and her family stayed at the Sheraton Station Square, which as you saw in the pre-wedding shoot, was just great for us.  Station Square is such a fun place to photograph.

So here are just a few shots of the morning that I thought were so cute.

Kelsey has a beautiful voice and has been singing and performing pretty much her whole life. So I guess it was a no-brainer for her to sing Ave Maria at her own wedding. It was such a lovely moment in the ceremony and here she is giving her pipes a practice try.

And look at this guy! Awwwww! Kelsey & PJ's pooch was the most adorable ever. A few times I was so busy playing with him I forgot to photograph. :-/

Kelsey's sister was helping her get ready and this is a shot of her pinning their Great Grandmother's handkerchief on Kelsey's dress.

This is the room that Kelsey & PJ were staying in for their first night after their wedding and how adorable is this?? So daggone cute!

Till next Tuesday then!