Pittsburgh Wedding Photography - The Details

It's all in the "deets" I always say. Well! Sarah & Marty definitely gave me the deets I love. :) They had so much fun with their wedding I don't even know where to begin. Their entire wedding was sports themed--did I mention that Sarah & Marty are HUGE HUGE HUGE Pitt & Pens fans?? Wait till you see everything dedicated to these 2 teams...they should be so flattered! But those will have to wait my friends...here are a few of my fav's from the day. Sports lovers, your eyes will have a bounty to feast upon soon. Stay tuned. ;-)

Always a sucker for a ring shot. What can I say? Sarah had these buttons that trailed from the tippy top of the back of her gown to the tippy bottom. I absolutely adored it!

This was such a fun thing I saw. While Sarah was getting ready I noticed her luggage waiting to be taken to the car (destination Disney World--how fun!) and then I saw this adorable tag. How could I not get a shot of that??

John got this shot...I just thought it was such a great photo...a little momento to remind you of where you got married. :)

OK--one little teaser on the sports theme.  Can you guess what these are and what they sat upon? :)