Pittsburgh Photographer's Meeting - PUG Reminder

Hi All! Just a last ditch reminder about our upcoming OPEN TO ALL PHOTOGRAPHERS meeting, called PUG. We hope you can join us and if not, be sure to pass this info on to anyone else you think might be interested. This is an open Q&A for all local photographers that want to get together and network, socialize, seek or impart wisdom. This is where your opinions can be heard and your ideas can grow their wings. There are none too new or too old (EEK! Did I just say that out loud??)...come one come all.

And as always at any soiree I happen to be even the teensiest bit involved in...there will be yummies, cocktails and general merriment provided. ;-)

So please come and have some fun. Blow off some steam and meet others in your field.

Join us on 5/18 (Yep! That's tonight!) from 7pm-9pm at 502 W. North Ave. Pgh 15212. Ring the "Studio 502" buzzer when you get there and I'll make sure to lean out the window and tell you to quit making that damn studio phone ring. Just kidding! I'll actually come down and let you in. Promise. Pinky swear. ;-)