Contest Winners!

Top of the Monday Mornin' to everyone! We have our winners for the Photo Shoot Contest....ahem...drum roll please.....MEGHAN DiANTONIO & MIKE VUCETIC!!!! YAY! Congratulations Meghan & Mike. :)

And what a super cute story Meghan had to tell about how Mike proposed:

"My fiance and I would be the best couple to win this prize.  We met my freshmen year at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland and have been dating for the past 5 years.  What makes us stand out is that we have the best proposal story.  Mike took me out to dinner to the restaurant we went to on our first date.  Afterwards, he took me to a park that is overlooking Lake Erie and the Cleveland skyline.  We were sitting on a blanket freezing so I eventually asked if we could leave.  He asked me to give him 10 more minutes.   Next thing I knew, a plane was flying overhead with a sign dragging behind it saying, "Meghan, will you marry me?   love, Mike."  Mike helped me stand up then got down on his knee and proposed.  His family was hiding out in the parking lot with a bottle of champagne.  Mike and I are both moving back to Pittsburgh this summer and would show off the newly refinished Doubletree well.  That's where our wedding is anyway. "

Your spoils include:

~Complimentary photo shoot by Craig Photography (I hear they're pretty good!) including all edited images on disc with printing rights.

~Complimentary makeup applications for Meghan by Rachael Ryan.

~Complimentary hair style for Meghan by Salon Christine.

~Complimentary bouquet and boutonniere by Harold's Flower Shop.

~Complimentary Romance Package from the Doubletree Hotel.

We will be holding the photo shoot in the next month or two so STAY TUNED for all the photos. :)