Pittsburgh Wedding Photography

What a crazy weekend we had! John and I had a double header this weekend and it was so fun to see 2 weddings back to back with such different feels, looks and details. Love it! Saturday's wedding was such a sweet (and hot!) day. Cara & Craig (nice name, huh??) were such an adorable couple to spend the day with. Cara's dress was just beautiful and Craig was such a debonair groom. :) Both so crazy in love with each other, they spent the whole day at each others sides. It was so lovely to watch them.

So here are a few teaser shots from the beginning of their day for you. More to come!

Cara had a very unique dress. She couldn't find a dress that had everything she wanted so she had the seamstress merge 2 gowns to get the look she wanted. Her dress had the most intricate overlay that she had the seamstress create, as you can see in this shot. The beading was absolutely gorgeous.

Cara & Craig were high school sweethearts and I noticed Cara's ring sitting on top of her dresser and then realized the photograph behind it was a prom photo of the 2 of them. How appropriate to get this shot!

Just love grabbing this kind of a moment. :) Cara had the cutest smile and when she found something particularly funny she'd scrunch up her nose which was so adorable and made for some super cute photos.

Just liked it. :)

This was a fun shot to take. Craig actually had 5 groomsmen but I couldn't fit them all in this shot! But I was going for the stillness of Craig with the movement of his guys. I think it turned out kinda cool. ;-)

Look at this guy! Huh?? Such a cutie!

Just hanging out...I'm sure he does this every Saturday. Tux, church, hanging out at a random bench...