It's Here, It's Here! My Susan Nichole is HERE!

I heard the doorbell ring, jumping to my feet I pray on the way to the door it's not my order for fingerpaints for my 4yr old from Amazon...and...there it was...the box! Yep--label on front says Susan Nichole. Tee Hee!

I rip open the box and there before my eyes are the loveliest...white nylon bags I've ever seen! ;-)

And I open the white bags and there they are. The 2 most gorgeous purses ever...and at that moment I believe I hear the angels begin to rise up in a beautiful harmony (insert sweet angelic music here while at the same time saying the last statement in an Irish brogue). One for me and one for a friend of mine that has a birthday coming up soon (lucky gal!)

Aren't they beautiful?? Meet the lovely Sophia in red (mine) and Sophia in black (my friend's)..

And here she new love...*sigh*

And here is my second love, soon to be going to her new home...

They will miss each other but I believe my friend and I will take good care of them. Look, they're kissing. How cute! ;-)

And as if their beauty wasn't enough...we also got one of these in each bag! They're so cool, the little metal link around the outside of the black circle opens! Ok--I have no idea what these are but they're a thingamabob and we gals...we love thingamabobs (right next to hickeythings). Look! I was so excited about it I even accidentally photographed my thingamabob upside down!

I found out about Susan Nichole Handbags thru The Kind Life blog, by Alicia Silverstone. Visit both sites! They are terrific, and of course...animal friendly. ;-)

******UPDATE!****** The “thingamabob” is a table purse hanger. Ingenious!!!!! See link below for a photo. :)

Thanks again Susan Nichole!