The Beauty Within Project

I am so incredibly thrilled to make an announcement I've been holding onto. I am officially launching my project; The Beauty Within Project. This project is all about celebrating women's lives, struggles, survival, power and will to Not only just "be"...but "be well". It is about telling the stories of women that have found their beauty within. Whether it be the scar from their mastectomy that reminds them daily how precious life is, or the tattoo of her child's name that doctors told her she would never have, or simply a photo of her in all of her glory, celebrating her life and accomplishments, taking record of who she is at that moment. For me, it was the eternal scar from my C-section that brought my lovely daughter into this world (as you can see above). This isn't all of me, but boy it sure is a BIG part of me. ;-)

In my line of work I have had to pleasure and opportunity to meet so many women from so many walks of life and their stories make me laugh, cry and remind me how precious women are. We are nurturers, lovers, mothers, daughters, warriors and world-dominators. Shortly put; we rock. My goal is to tell these stories through photos of awesome women while also letting them speak with their own voice.

So what do I need from you? Your time. I am calling to every woman that has a story share. It need not be on the outside that a camera can plainly see. It need only be your story of who you are, why you want to share and what keeps you going.

If you are interested in being a part of my project here is what it all entails: We will meet at my studio and talk about your life. I will document this by writing it all down and I will also take a few photos of you. You will receive the edited images on disc with printing rights. You will need to sign a model release allowing me to share your first name (we can use an alias if you wish), your photos and your story.

I hope you join me on this journey. Talk to me.