Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Station Square | Grand Concourse

BOY do I have a fun post for you all today! ;-) So for the first few photos after a wedding I try to put up something purty and romantical but not this time...this time I'm going to put up a very funny and cute story. Meet Karen & Dave. Little background on Dave's family: anytime a guy gets married on Dave's side of the family, the men-folk take it upon themselves to hand create some kind of totally embarrassing vehicle to tote the newly wedded couple around after kidnapping them from their own reception. HA! How hilarious! And take a look at this "vehicle"! Yep--that's right, Dave's family paraded this lovely couple, in full wedding attire, upon this lovely site for sore eyes (or is it the vehicle that made the eyes sore?? :)) all around Station Square. And what fun Karen & Dave had, as you'll see from this succession of photos.

So here is one side of this decorated contraption:

And here's the other (the signage on this thing was so funny!)

The lovely (and brave) couple:

And of course....the ride...

We had a terrific time with this couple -- they were up for ANYTHING...as you can see. ;-)

More to come!