Pittsburgh Wedding Photographer | Montour Heights Country Club

What a GREAT wedding we had this past Saturday. Big wedding party, lots of sunshine, super excited parents and of course...a very much in love bride and groom. All of it made for a terrific day. :) Meet Stephanie & Zach! They were an incredibly sweet couple ready for their big day and I swear both of them were all smiles from ear to ear all day. And WOW what a loaded dance floor! I could barely get an elbow on that floor for photos and I mean all ages were out there--more of that to come with the slideshow. ;-)

For now I just wanted to post a few fav's from the portrait part of their day. The golf course at Montour Heights had some very dramatic rock formations which allowed for some very mid-western-looking shots. I loved it! And I love series...I love when the click of the shutter a few times in a row capture a succession of emotions (check out the black and white collage).

Enjoy! Slideshow coming soon!