Salon deStefino | South Side | GREAT DEAL!

Hey all you Pittsburgh ladies! I have a wowsa of a deal for you all! My totally fantastic salon, Salon deStefino in the South Side, just did some remodeling and is having a fabulous kick-ass open house party to celebrate! I just had to announce this because haircuts are anywhere from $45 - $85 and if you purchase a VIP ticket, which is not necessary to attend the event, you get a free future haircut. The ticket is only $25 if you buy it in advance and $30 at the door. This is what I call "chick math"...let me teach you all woman-kind: you WOULD spend about $45 - $85 for a haircut at this salon normally. If you buy a VIP ticket you get a haircut for $25. THAT'S A SAVINGS OF ANYWHERE BETWEEN $20 - $60!!!!!!! That means you're actually SAVING money if you buy this ticket! How's that for math... ;-) Oh yeah....

Not only do you get a haircut for sometime in the future but you can check out all kinds of fun demos, be a model if you want and get a makeup application and hairstyle while others watch the demo, you get discounts on all their merchandise (purses and baubles with a fabulosity factor of about a million!) and you can even feel good about yourself while purchasing $7 raffle tickets that include all kinds of goodies and all proceeds go to Locks of Love. C'mon...what more do you need?  Drinks you say?? Food you say?? Well OK! Salon deStefino just so happens to be located right next to Tusca, an uber-cool Spanish flare restaurant, that will be serving free appies and sangria AND will have 50% off of all other drinks. There will even be a special section closed off for all us cool fashionistas (you know you wanna be me...) with a DJ!

OK--enough blabbering from me. Check out the flyer below! Hope to see you there!
