Pittsburgh Portrait Photography

Oh how I love portraits. :) Even in a tight spot with the right subject you can get some super cutie shots. Last night I had a quickie shoot and let's just say that the weather in Pittsburgh was putting a damper on my usual choice for any kind of photography...outside. *Sigh*....gotta love those Pittsburgh days. So! In the studio we went. If you know anything about me, you know I don't really like artificial light (although I'm reconsidering just for experimentation purposes lately) so it should come as no surprise that the lighting for the shots below are all from mother nature in her glory (or gloomy I should say considering the weather lately). You'll notice the different tones in each of the photos. Most photographers go for completely balanced lighting on some level or even a completely neutral background. Myself, I like the dimension of different colors, tones and unbalanced anything. ;-) To me it's real life. I shot this in one very small space of the studio so I had to be creative in angles and such. So you can see I shot straight on, while I was leaning up against the wall, while crouching down and also while standing up high and shooting down on the subject. I think it turned out kinda nice. Thoughts??