A Camping We Will Go...

So (hopefully) you probably noticed that I didn't blog yesterday. Well, my awesome brother, Paul, took John, Ella and myself to his camp for a night because it's Elk season, fall and just plain quiet in the middle of nowhere, which we don't get too much. So a-camping we went! It.Was.Breathtaking. I can't begin to describe the mountains, the leaves and the stillness of Mother Nature. It was short but it was fun. Paul took us to go find some Elk to see and hopefully hear bugle (this is what Elk do during mating season. The Elk that bugles the loudest and most often gets the girlies. ;-)) So over a hill we went and before our very eyes were over 150 Elk just hanging out in a field. Stunning. So John took a few photos and the photo below is one of our favs. The photo below that is a shot John got while out hiking with Paul. Another stunner! And the one below that is just because I'm a mom and a sister. ;-) That's Ella with her Godfather and my brother, Paul, checking out the Elk.
