A New Addition to Our Home

Recently John and I have been looking to add a little color and dimension to our workspace in our home. Our inspiration for this area was to make it feel like we were in a coffee shop, since we (a) are addicted to coffee and (b) love that warm, trendy, "I'm-hipper-than-you" attitude that comes along with being a cool photographer madly working in a trendy, hopping, beatnik-style coffee bar (and what you don't see in the photo below is that behind our desk is a couch and 2 comfy chairs to lounge in). Was that too much information? But I digress... ;-) Enter conversation I had with my dear dear and super talented friend, Rachael Ryan. Rachael is a sweet soul that has so much creativity inside of her it seems to seep from her oh-so stylish clothes that make me jealous every time I see her. Rachael owns an incredibly successful makeup artist business (with clients including ESPN and MTV...I know...jealous) but what many do not know about Rachael is that she is also a fantastically talented painter as well. Strewn all over the upper part of her loft are paintings in every size, color and shape (which I want to steal and hang on every wall in my home). So, we decided to ask Rachael to paint for us. For inspiration, Rachael and I took a long and in-depth walk through the Carnegie Museum of Art and after pointing out several paintings that caught my eye, Rachael painted the masterpiece you see below. Isn't she gorgeous?? I will save you from my pointing out all the lovely tid bits of this painting that I could stare at for hours and simply allow you to enjoy it. John and I tend to gravitate toward more abstract art so this painting fits in well with our style. She is home. :)

Thank you Rachael for allowing us a peek into your artful soul. Looking forward to our next venture. :)