One of Our Weddings in Whirl Wedding Guide - Winter Issue 2011

Yay! I still get so giddy when a publication thinks our work is good enough to put in their magazine. ;-) We were notified a little while ago that one of our weddings made it in the "Real Weddings" section of the new Whirl Wedding Guide for the winter issue, due out any time now. The paper magazine hasn't hit the stands yet but the online portion has been published so I'm excited to share our work with you! Tee hee! This is the FOURTH time we've had our work accepted in Whirl and we.are.thrilled. Not only did Roz & Jeff's wedding make it, but I got the glorious news that Whirl also liked my boudoir photography enough to publish a few photos from my Elizabeth Craig Intimates portfolio too! WOO HOO! What a good day! :)

So if you get some time, make sure to check it all out and drop me a line and tell me what you think!