Indian Wedding Photography - The Baraat

So I have to say, one of my most favorite parts of an Indian wedding day is the Baraat. If you're not familiar with Indian weddings, the Baraat is the groom's wedding processional that basically delivers him to the parents of the bride, where they formally welcome him to their family. It is one of the most energized portions of the day...and that's saying a lot because if you have ever attended an Indian wedding then you know the entire day is nothing if not....energized, to say the least. ;-) During the procession there is music, dancing and the groom is typically carried by a large animal, in this case, a horse. Awesome, right?? I keep waiting for some groom to be brave enough to ride an elephant thru the streets of the city. THAT would be a sight to see (and photograph!)

So enjoy the the collage below! It is just a small snippet of this wonderful ritual.

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