Pittsburgh Engagement Photography | Mindy & Ed

Ya know...the more and more I do Engagement Sessions, the more I like them. Don't get me wrong, the hussle and bustle of a wedding day is right up my alley: fast-paced, no time to sit, challenging yourself every minute to capture those fleeting moments...I certainly found my calling. But Engagement Sessions, I'm learning, are just a conversation captured on a camera. Sometimes these sessions take me an hour, sometimes 3, but during every one of these sessions it's amazing how each couple eventually settles into their comfort zone and just allows me to document their ongoing conversation for that time. When I'm talking to a couple about their Engagement Session I like to get a feel for a geographical location that works with their personalities. I would not necessarily take a couple with a love of hiking and hunting to the Strip District. Nor would I necessarily take a couple born and raised in New York City to a farm. However, sometimes getting the couple outside of their comfort zone works quite well. ;-) It all depends on the couple.

My favorite part of any Engagement Session is just taking a walk. It's a great time for me to get to know our couples and it's a great time to just be out, stretching my creativity. I make recommendations on where to hold the shoot, but ultimately it's the couples decision and I love walking and scouting, coming upon little morsels of creative spaces in which to make art for them. Sometimes it's not even the space, it's just a moment captured. But no matter what, the walk, the conversation, the time spent with each couple is always priceless.

I know you have met Mindy & Ed before. I believe you have seen not one, but two photos so far. Well here are a few more photos simply documenting their ongoing conversation for the evening.

Spaces. I heart big, wide open, gigantic photographs.

Spaces. Sometimes the tighter the space, the more it talks to you.

Just a conversation between 2 people. ;-)

Sometimes it really is the space that just makes the photo. How could I resist this space??

And sometimes the conversation isn't about the couple at all. Sometimes it's about the story of life going on all around them. :) How could I ignore such a photo??

I know you've seen a portrait version of this one before but I couldn't help myself but show the landscape version. It's so colorful. And talk about a great way to have a conversation?? In a comfy chair cuddled up with your best girl. Just because they're in the middle of a sidwalk doesn't make it any less intimate. ;-)