Style Me Pretty!

The Best Wedding Vendors - The Little Black Book I'm very very very very very very very very (continue to infinity) excited to announce that we received our official invitation to be a featured vendor on Style Me Pretty. If you are a bride and you have never heard of SMP then stop what you're doing right now and go to their site. That's right, drop EVERYTHING and go there right now. You will not regret it.

Style Me Pretty is a driving force in today's wedding trends and always highlights the most awesome wedding photos, features, information and content, all with a fabulosity factor of about a billion. Not only is their site incredibly inspiring but one of my favorite features of the site is their DIY section. Real ideas for real people with real lives. Meaning, even the busiest of brides can figure this stuff out and it's all so fresh and beautiful.

So when we got the invitation to join their Little Black Book of Vendors we were thrilled! You may be wondering why I'm referring to an invitation to be on their site. Well, you can request to advertise on their site and they do get hundreds of emails a day from wedding industry vendors, but they typically choose to hand select the vendors that appear in their Little Black Book. Their selection is pretty intense, which includes a team of industry professionals in charge of researching each potential candidate, following their work and inquiring about their services with other top wedding vendors. Once selected, each potential vendor must undergo an interview process and if all goes well....Boom! Fireworks! You're on their site! And, I'm happy to report, we made it! Yay!

So we are excited to share with you all THREE of our listings (yup...THREE!). We were honored to be able to list our Wedding Photography, Indian Wedding Photography as well as my Intimates Photography.

So, if you have a little time, stop by and visit our listings. They're so purty. :) And while you're there be sure to take some time and peruse the SMP site in full. Lots of great info, pretty pretty images and a ton of advice from the industries top professionals.