Trash the Dress | Pittsburgh

This is such a great summer for Trash the Dress sessions, really any kind of outdoor portrait session really. I know we 'Burghers have been complaining about the silly amount of rainfall we've been getting, me included, but WOW has it made for such a lush summer! Everything green is so much greener, all the colors are so much more vibrant and it has really been fun taking couples out and about for their sessions. You've met Kim & Leo before and I just can't quit posting from their Trash the Dress session. And for those of you brides that get a little squeamish when anyone says "trash the dress" there is another term I use: post-wedding photography session. So it's not always about literally trashing your dress. It's really about not worrying about it getting a little dirty like you did on your wedding day. It's really an excuse to put that gorgeous dress on one more time and take some lovely, casual and romantic photos. Some brides don't even invite their husbands (sorry guys...dressing you up isn't as fun as it is for us gals...I'm sure you understand ;-)) so if yours is giving you the old stink eye at even the mention of a post-wedding photography session don't feel bad about leaving him at home for this one. Most guys will thank you profusely. :)

So here are 2 more photographs from Kim & Leo's Trash the Dress session. Candles have become a big hit with portrait sessions so I was curious to try them out with this session. It's much more difficult to control light outdoors than in so I wasn't sure how this one was going to turn out. Not bad, I think. ;-) And we all know how much I love empty space in photos so I really liked the composition of the other photo.