Bridal Portrait Session | Pittsburgh

I have been hanging onto theses photos for about a month and a half...maybe even longer. You kind of met Jaime before. Well, actually you met her flowers...sort of...and now that we have finished photographing her wedding day I can now really introduce you to her! So meet Jaime. I had such a great time photographing her Bridal Session. :) Jaime wanted a more classic and traditional look to her photos so we really made her photos pop with a few victorian pieces of furniture. What also made this session fun was that Jaime had 2 different bouquets for the session to try out. The gorgeous purple bouquet you see was gifted to us from April Mason at Mocha Rose (genius creative extraordinaire :)) Just look at these beautiful flowers!

And isn't Jaime just lovely? I adored her gown...such a classic beauty!

I loved this photo with the red settee. We also used a gorgeous Victorian blue chair, which I'll be posting soon.

More to come!