North Side Engagement Photography | Pittsburgh | Julie & Josh

Hello All! Meet Julie & Josh! Very sweet and fun couple we had the pleasure of photographing this week for their Engagement Session. We will be photographing their wedding next year so it was nice to get to spend some time with them while walking around the North Side. There are always so many places to photograph on the North Side because of the eclectic and unique community that settled in there. At any given moment you can walk past the most darling row house and at the same time walk past the most colorful, awesome, scratch-your-head-and-figure-this-one-out home and even the random mural snazzing up any building. Everyone you walk by always has something nice to say you just never know what you'll run into there. So here we are! Julie, Josh, John, myself and our assistant Abby walking along and WHAM! Out of nowhere we spy that scratch-your-head-and-figure-this-one-out home I was just talking about. The guy that owns this house, Randy, spends all of his time painting and hanging very unique signs and whatnots in an effort to make his home stand out. And that he does. :) There are the STRANGEST things hanging, placed and painted around this house and this guy is SO nice! We asked if we could snap a few photos and he was all kinds of SURE!


And everyone knows I can't pass up an opportunity for some good sun flare. ;-)

I thought Julie's giggle here was so adorable. :)

So Julie had this super cute idea that she said she had seen somewhere before. How cute is this?!

Couldn't pass this up. John pointed out the glare coming off of the pond in the park and we thought it would make such a romantic backdrop. And we were right. ;-)

I love the line of trees that sits at the edge of the park. When everything is in bloom it creates such a beautiful, plush walkway so I thought it would make such a romantical photo to capture them walking. And I was right. ;-) I particularly love that Josh is carrying Julie's shoes for her. Sweet.

While I was taking a photo of Julie's ring, John shot this lovely. :) I love when he does that.