Armstrong Farm Weddings | The Details

What a heehaw of a hoopla we photographed this weekend! If you happen to remember Kalee & Mike then you might think we were photographing 2 completely different couples based on the look of their Engagement Session versus their wedding day. Both were such a wonderful contrast to each other because their Engagement Session was very urban and the wedding day was very country...Enter Armstrong Farms. LOVE this place. We had the privilege of photographing a different wedding at one of their other sites so we were thrilled to be at a whole new venue this time. It was lovely! The weather held out (thank you again Ms. Mother rock!) and it was a day fit for the finest of country folk. So here are a few details from the day that I just had to pass on. Kalee made sure everything was very colorful and truly gorgeous. Since I drool over all-things-detail you know I was having the time of my life.

You'll have to forgive all the country-speak below...I just couldn't help myself.

Meet Stella. Look out...she's a cutie but she bites (proof on my right hand, thank you very much). She came over to our car to check us out and about scared the bejeezus out of us (I was about as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs). You can't tell but she's no shrinking violet. She's got girth! I bet there are about 8,283,9872 photos of this goose out there.

Sure as a one-legged duck swims in a circle, you simply cannot have a farm wedding without an old, red pickup truck. I believe that's in a farm wedding rule book somewhere.

What finer thing to wear under your wedding dress than a purple pair of cowgirl boots! Yes! I loved it!

Loved this. Kalee & Mike chose these oh-so-yummy-delicious creme sodas as their favors with a photo from their engagement session on the label. I thought that was a nice touch.

There are a lot of super-cute details around the farm and I couldn't help myself but snap a few.

Awww. So sweet! Don't they look about as happy as a tick on a fat dog??

And of course, Stella certainly could not let the bride be the only female to get some attention on such a big day. No, no one sent her down the aisle, she just helped herself. That just dills my pickle!

Ahhh...lemonade....that cool refreshing drink (you older folk know that Eddie Murphy tune...)

Just beautiful, right??

This was a crazy-fun day that had us just trying to keep up. Sometimes I didn't know whether to scratch my watch or wind my butt....somehow I held on though.

More to come y'all...more to come....