Romance in an Apple Orchard | Greendance Winery | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers

I've been waiting to post a few of these photos. Of all the photos from Beth & Matt's wedding day, these were probably my favorites (although the reception truly rivals these because of all the fun, laughs and kick-ass dancing...slideshow coming soon). I loved the lush look of everything in this orchard and really could have spent all day there. It was truly romantic and so...enchanting really. And just look at these 2...can't help but smile.

Love when we get to share in a little giggle...


Now, although Matt can't juggle, that didn't stop John from thinking up this fun shot. So cute!

And check THIS out! As we were standing there discussing our next photo, Beth reached right down and plucked this four leaf clover right from the ground. You can't get more magical than that on your wedding day.

Look at this good lookin' fella...huh??

The apples were so beautiful. They all seemed to be smiling for the camera...couldn't help but snap a few.

And look who came along for the photo shoot of course. I have no idea what these animals are but they were so adorable and curious.

A simple and stunning classic beauty. I just adore this photo of Beth.

Sweetest couple EVER!

One last hurrah for the orchard. Such a wonderful place to photograph. Mother Nature showed up in all her glory that day.