Pin-Up Boudoir Photography | Elizabeth Craig Intimates

I.Am.Just.Giddy right at this very moment. As a matter of fact, this post is actually being written on Wednesday because I just can't contain myself with the Intimates Session I just had today. A little background here....I met Erica through my Intimates as Erica is a stylist I employ from time to time to do hair and makeup for my clients. On one particular session, Erica said that if I ever needed a muse...she was my girl. And the wheels started to turn. As you can see, Erica has a very distinctive style and with Pin-Up becoming a big segment of boudoir photography nowadays I thought it was time to do an Inspiration Session with Erica. Now, I have to say...I'm not the brightest, prettiest or even the funniest gal out there (OK--just so we're clear here I'm only saying that because it sounds good but we all know the truth) but when I get an idea...WHAM! SLAMMY! POW! WOW!!!! LOOK.OUT!!!!!

Enter the gorgeousness that is Erica. I will be doing a series on Erica because we had so many looks and outfits I don't even know where to begin. But I wanted to start out with something very retro and pin-up style.

Meet my Muse (insert voices of angels singing here...scratch that. Insert any 1980's style Madonna song here). Gobs and gobs and gobs more to come! Tee hee!