Intimately Dreaming | Elizabeth Craig Intimates

Looking at the photo above, I instantly think of being in a dream. It's bright yet dark, it is soft and milky and I can almost feel the wind here. My goal for this photo was to make the beholder escape reality for a bit and I'm thrilled with outcome.

K was a dream to photograph. She was very comfortable with her body and very open to any ideas I had. This photo was part of the 2nd to last set we did for the day and I could have kept going and going with this series. I'm always trying to incorporate something new into my Intimates photography because it can sometimes be stifling to continually photograph in one space. It's not difficult for me to come up with new concepts but it's wonderful when one of my ideas meets the perfect subject and I get a photo that I could stare at for a while.  *Happy*.

Thank you Abby for all your help!