Moments | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers

Dontcha just love weddings?? *Sigh*....I'm such a sucker for a beautiful wedding. Meet Nicole & Frank...well...right now just meet Nicole. LOVE LOVE LOVE Nicole! I knew from the moment we sat down to talk about her wedding we were just two peas in a pod.  We instantly connected and I waited all year for this wedding! Nicole is so sweet, so lovely....she's just a pile of sugar. I absolutely adored being a fly on the wall for her day. As I was going through the photos I loved all the little moments I was able to capture while all the buzz was going on in Nicole's parents' home. So much energy, so much love and so many hugs. It was exactly how it should be on a wedding day.

Nicole took a moment to write a card out for Frank before she got dressed (which, by the way, we all realized later Frank had gotten Nicole the EXACT same card. How sweet!)


And meet Nicole's dad. What a cutie this guy was. Right before Nicole walked down to see her father for the first time in her gown her dad made it a point to say that he's not an emotional kind of guy so he was hoping we weren't expecting much in the way of photos...cut to him sobbing the moment he saw his beautiful daughter. It was such a sweet moment!

More to come!