Wedding Portraiture | First Glance

I have so much to tell you about this couple but it will have to be a wee bit brief this morning (I have a weight lifting class with my name all over it juuuust waiting for me to come kick some know) I heart when we get a couple that wants to do a First Glance. It gets everything out of the way early and I looooooove that moment when the Bride & Groom first lay eyes on each other. Sa-weet! I'm not showing the actual First Glance right now but I had to include a few photos from our portraiture session because Rebecca and Mike were just so much fun and their wedding party was one of the best we've had the pleasure of spending time with.

Love. Love. Love. Classic wedding portraiture never gets old for me.

Again--sweetest wedding party ever! They were so much fun (even singing a hilarious Irish tune for their group toast at the reception...I could barely keep photographing because I was laughing so hard).

And I loved this little touch! You would think Rebecca brought these along for the guys. Oh nope. This ones for the girls.

Just look at Mike. What cutie!

And I don't care what anyone says. I know the Mellon Pillars have been done, done again and then done again and again to infinity but as you can see there is a reason why. It's just majestic.

Love the view of the 'Burgh from Station Square.

Sweet love...

More to come!