Boudoir Photographer | Elizabeth Craig Intimates

Meet J. ;-) What a great time we had on J's session. She brought a boatload of clothes (which I adore) and I swear half the fun of these sessions is just sifting through all the outfits and picking my favorites. J was a breeze to photograph. She has been a dancer since the age of 3 and I find most women with a background in the arts (especially the physical arts) have an easy fluidity to their bodies. We had a great time figuring out poses and making poor J actually spin for a few shots so much I have no idea how she didn't fall down.

This was one of my favorites. Soft lighting, softness to J's all comes together so nicely.

Earlier this week I announced my 2012 Valentine's Day Boudoir Photography Special so make sure to check it out. And for more on my work make sure to visit my site.