Guess Who is the Newest Member of the Style Me Pretty Team?

And if you guessed me you get a big fat sloppy cyber-kiss! Last week I had the pleasure of receiving a request from Style Me Pretty to be a part of their Boudoir Vetting Team. After I sat stunned for a minute, then turned my "seriously??" face into a small smile....then let out the teensiest of giggles, I replied with a "Ummm....psht....YEA!" Since I love having my own boudoir photography listing on their site, it was a no-brainer for me. So anytime any professional photographer submits their photos or site for review to either be posted on the SMP site or to request the privilege to advertise their business on their site (it's typically by invitation only) I will get the chance to give my opinion. Finally....someone actually asking for my opinion before I can just plain dish it out. How lovely! ;-)

So I figured why not throw up a few photos of the lovely Erica in honor of my exciting news. Can't go wrong with Erica.