Offering Our Services | Boudoir Photography Consulting | Photography Business Consulting

I get a lot of questions when it comes to my Intimates photography. Questions about my technique, space, inspiration, posing, lighting, gear, furniture, name it, I get that question. And I love sharing my experiences with others. I love being able to pass any nugget of information and mostly my "A HA!" moments on to anyone that will listen....I do love what I do. But I began feeling as if sending off an email to answer questions just wasn't getting across exactly what I wanted to convey or didn't truly demonstrate the tip I was trying to pass along. So then I started thinking about what fun it would be to actually work with the photographer that was asking the questions or to meet in person and share our experiences. So....I'm very excited to share with all of you that I am now making myself available to boudoir photographers outside of the Pittsburgh area for business consulting. My services are tailored to each individual's needs so my assistance will be specific and different for each person. So whether you are an experienced photographer looking for ways to bring something new to your established business or you are a newer photographer looking to try a new adventure, I am offering a wide range of services to fit all sorts of needs. I am offering consulting on style, composition, posing, lighting (artificial light vs. natural light), space, tips and tricks to get the best out of your clients. And also such things as starting your business, websites, blogs, marketing, camera gear and basically how I do what I do. The format in which I will be offering my consulting will be through:

~One-on-one business consulting ~Skype consults ~Phone consults ~Assisting at your boudoir photography sessions ~Attendance at one of my boudoir photography sessions ~Live tutoring at inspiration boudoir photography sessions (with model)

So if you have always wanted to bust into this style of photography, I'm your gal! ;-) You can contact me with any questions or to schedule a consulting session.

And on that note....

My wonderfully brilliant and talented husband, John, also offers business therapy for photographers of all styles. His services include:

~Getting where you want to be in Google ~Understanding marketing vs. advertising ~Blogging and why you should do it ~Action plans ~Website review ~Purposeful planning ~Doing one thing with multiple outcomes

You can contact him for pricing details.
