Wedding Details | Chelsea & Chris | Pittsburgh

You have met Chelsea & Chris from last summer and now I'm excited to bring you some teensy tidbits from their wedding. It was a typical April day in Pittsburgh...rain, cold, gray clouds. But we made the best of it and I didn't hear one complaint from anyone in the wedding party. And there were a lot of them. :) The details for Chelsea & Chris' day were very colorful and I loved them. I particularly liked the pew decorations because most couples don't really invest in decorating their pews....but of course any little colorful extras you want to put in your day always sits well with me because it makes your photos pop so much more. These designs came from Bettis Floral and I loved the size and colors used. St. Norbert Parish is a beautiful church but who can resist a little color to liven things up??

Pay particular attention to the bracelet on Chelsea's's over 200 years old and it's a family heirloom (I adore tradition in personalizes your day and also brings a lovely intimacy to the day)...isn't it amazing? And the pocket watch...a very sweet story to come with that later.

And I had to include one of my favorite moments of the day...that stinkin' cute flower girl with her head on the church floor. Goodness sweet.