Foodie Friday | Avocado Pesto Pasta

Mmmmmm.....I'm still out of town but couldn't pass up an opportunity to share a delicious recipe with you that includes one of my most favorite ingredients ever: avocado.

I throw avocado in everything and anything I can because not only does it have a yummy taste but since it has a very creamy texture it is an excellent replacement for cheese, especially if you get a bit hummused out like I do. So when I came across this delicious recipe combining all of my favorites (garlic - oh my! - pasta - gimme gimme - basil - please're just teasing me now - and of love...avocado) I just had to make it....over and over and over.

Now, I could either just let you click the link above, copy Chef Chloe's recipe word for word in my blog or do the smart thing and just command, shift, 4 on my Mac and take a screen shot and place it below. Gosh I'm one smart cookie.