Edgeworth Club at Sewickley | Pittsburgh Weddings | Kristian & Mike

Ahhhh!! The details! The details! The DETAILS! So my first thought for a blog post for Kristian & Mike's wedding was going to be a teensy sneak peek but as I went thru their photos I just couldn't stand to post just one photo. So here you see I have no self control and have posted 11. Yes. 11. But looking thru the photos you'll see why....there were so many scrumptious details I just couldn't help myself. I do love details (have I mentioned before that I love details??) I am a girlie girl; give me color, give me little tidbits that you just accidentally stumble on, show me your personality and show me a little bit of your love for each other in your details and I am putty in your hands. And we have photographed receptions at The Edgeworth Club in Sewickley but this was our first time photographing the wedding there as well and this side room was just stunning for a wedding. Beautiful gigantic arched windows just oozing all that soft warm light. Perfection.

Well Kristian and Mike did a great job with this. They kept it so simple, so elegant and I adored that they kept the colors to just 2: lime green and deep purple. And I must give a shout out to Karrie Hlista Wedding Floral Designs...my mouth watered at the first glance of that bridal bouquet and I swear I could have shed a tear when I saw the centerpieces. They were huge, gorgeous and any time you include fruit with your florals well I'm just all kindsa in with ya!

Enjoy these incredible details.