Stacie & Michael | Annapolis Engagement Session

Any time I get to travel anywhere outside of Pittsburgh for photography I am a happy girl. Having a 6 year old (a stinkin' cute 6 year old, that is) we don't get to travel too much or too far for work so when we can work it out, we do. Going to Annapolis for Stacie & Michael's E-Session was so fantastic. We like to consider these teensy traveling sessions as mini-getaways for John and me. Annapolis is one of those little towns that oozes quaintness and charm. Adorable little streets, old buildings, sweet little shops and let's not forget to mention the water and boats. So crazy awesome. We were lucky that we got 2 days to photograph Stacie & Michael and that made for a very relaxing session. We were able to meet them in the evening for the first day of their shoot, which gave us that warm glow with the sun going down. And then up and at 'em in the morning with the brightness of a new day. And it's not just the light that changes with each day, the energy changes too. In the evening it's relaxed, lazy and slow. In the morning it's more of joining in with the ebb and flow of the day's beginning. It changes the whole tone of the shoot, which I love because that gives our couples so much more of an experience with us and us with them. Can't beat that.