Fairmont Weddings | Morgan & Jim | Pittsburgh

Ai yai yai yai yai yai yai. What an absolutely stunning wedding we had this weekend! The dress was lovely, the bling was eye-popping, the decor was mouth-watering and the flowers...oh my gorgeousness (more of that to come!) I was all kinds of looking forward to this wedding because when Morgan and I met I knew instantly that we connected. Morgan is so laid back, so enjoyable to be around, so pleasant and has incredible taste (just look at that ring below). And trust me, she did not let me down one bit with all her wedding details.

So excited to share these photos with you but I thought it appropriate to start off with that pre-ceremony energy I love so very much. It was wonderful to be a fly on the wall in the suite at the Fairmont while Morgan and all of her super-sweet bridesmaids got ready.

So very much more to come!