Foodie Friday | Easiest Cookies Ever

So you didn't think John and I don't indulge a bit did ya?? I looooove chocolate. Well, anything sweet really. With the food revolution going on it's not difficult to find recipes that are adapted in ways to allow for special diets or even just yummy morsels minus some of the bad stuff. And yes, I indulge in the bad stuff too. Gotta live, right??

I adapted this recipe from Leah over at The Brazen Kitchen, which I follow like any stalker worth their wait in salt (or sugar) should. In Leah's recipe these cookies are made with any kind of whole grain flour, whereas in mine I chose to take quick oats and beat them to death in our Ninja blender (anything named Ninja has to kick ass) and get it down to a fine powder. I do this to add a little more fiber and this is also a good replacement if you have any gluten-free peeps to delight with your sweet confections. I also add unsweetened cocoa powder to mine as well because, c'mon...who doesn't want to turn every morsel of food in this world into chocolate anything? If you're a man and you're confused by this statement just move will never understand the relationship between a woman and chocolate. Don't bother.

Mine come out a bit more dense than Leah's because of the switcheroo on the flour so if you're not used to a dense cookie you might want to consider a lighter flour. But note there is no baking powder so these cookies will be a bit dense no matter what and they will only grow a teensy bit in size from the spoonfuls you put on your pan. Tip: if the batter seems a bit dry then the cookie will come out dry. Simply add a bit of any kind if non-dairy milk of choice (my choice is always vanilla coconut milk...mmmmmm) until it's at a moister consistency.

*****UPDATE***** This just in! My very good friend, amazing chef and food connoisseur, Ari, just told me in order to make these a bit more moist simply add any fat. He recommended vegetable oil. I would say maybe just start with a tablespoon (I'm guessing here) and go from there. Of course, this tip is for those of you that don't mind the extra calories....again...ya gotta live, right?? Thanks Ari! Awesome tip!

5 ingredients + love =

And yes...this was breakfast this morning...anyone got a problem with that?? ;-)