Storytelling | Pittsburgh Wedding Photographers

I just loooooove the part of a wedding day when the bride and groom are getting ready. I've talked about this a lot on my blog but I can't emphasize enough how much I love this part of the day - in fact it is to the benefit to each of our clients that my favorite parts of the day are the pre-ceremony and portraiture phases of the day because John's favorite phases of the day are the ceremony and the reception. So every time we show up at your front door on the day of your wedding you are getting a grand slam of love for every part of your day. Can't beat that. :) During the time when the bride and groom are getting ready there is so much nervous energy and most times when I show up all is good, all is calm. But that allllll changes once the dress comes out. For some reason everything gets kicked into high gear when "the gown" comes out. As it is "the gown" for goodness sakes, right?? You with me on this ladies?? I would say that it is during the pre-ceremony/getting ready phase of the day that I will see the widest range of emotions. They go from relaxed to excited to giggles to ecstatic bouts of hysteria back to relaxed to jumping up and down to hugs and kisses to tears of joy to amazement while looking in the mirror to "OK...let's get in that limo." So you see why it's my favorite part of the day.

Boys are so stinkin' cute. Especially when a guy they don't know shows up with a camera. All of a sudden they just don't know what to do with themselves and you get those nervous little laughs and smiles. This was even more entertaining for John because David is from Sweden so he, his father and brother spoke in Swedish while John was photographing so who knows how much they were making fun of the guy dressed in all black taking photos of a guy brushing his teeth on his wedding day. ;-)

And girls are so stinkin' adorable. I saw so many different emotions on Marcelle's face I lost count.


Getting down to business...





The joy of seeing yourself for the first time all dolled up on your wedding day...

The first time Dad sees his little girl on her wedding day...

Mom giving love and well wishes to her daughter...

Yep..she is all grown up and as gorgeous as the day is long, isn't she?

So if you need me on your wedding day while you're getting ready, just look for the poor sap crying behind her camera...that'll be me. ;-)