Glamour & Boudoir Photography Workshop | Beginner's DSLR Photography Workshop | Pittsburgh

Make sure to check out our newest addition to the photography workshop world: Glamour & Boudoir Photography Workshop. I get a ton of emails asking how I do what I do so here is your chance to pick my brain. I have also gotten a ton of emails regarding the crimp on the wallet to have to pay for the G&B workshop in full. So now you can pay a 50% deposit with the remaining balance due 30 days prior to the workshop date. This workshop will be full of tips and tricks and all the ins-and-outs of how I get what I want from my clients. And this includes posing...I get a lot of questions about that. You will get the chance to ask me how I would pose based on any situation or body type and I will show you with our live model.

Each attendee will also go home with my complete Glamour & Boudoir Photography Guide full of all of the info (including posing tips and tricks) covered in the workshop. There will be so much info you couldn't possibly remember it all.

In addition to that you will get your chance to instruct, pose and photograph our live model in this supportive and educational environment.

Not only that but on Day 2 you will also learn how we market our business to reap the benefits of high Google rankings. We will instruct you on the "how to" of findability for your business as well as blogging tips and website construction tips. Again--an opportunity to pick our brains on how we get clients to find us.

Gonna be a ton of fun so don't miss out!

And don't forget, we have some upcoming Beginner's DSLR Workshops coming up in 2013. These workshops are wonderful for any beginner in the DSLR world. Walk in completely confused and frustrated, walk out being the master of your camera. ;-)

In addition to the instruction portion of this day you will also get the opportunity to photograph in an outdoor setting (weather pending) within this supportive and educational environment.

Sign up for both workshops and get a powerful how-to weekend filled with all the information you ever wanted to know about how to use your camera, how to photograph people and how to market your business. Can't beat that!

For more information HERE.