Fashion Glamour Boudoir Photography

Ooooooh how I love to mix up clothing for glamour & boudoir photography. For some reason I'm not very risky with my own fashion and I don't ever really step outside my comfort zone. I'm a comfy girl....I've finally mastered how to wear clothing that feels like I'm wearing PJ's but not look like I'm wearing PJ's (most of the time). So being a bit more bold or mixing things up a bit with fashion for my clients seriously takes me back to my Barbie days. But now I get to play dress up with real, live gorgeous women. So my wardrobe rack at my studio is pretty full now (and my wallet empty). But coming up with outfits for my clients and trying new accessories to finish a look is really exciting for both me, my stylist (Justine the Fantastic) and the client. It sets a high-energy tone for the day...which is awesome. Hmmm....3 girls playing dress up with not a care in the world...such is the life. ;-)